Cornice — web services with Pyramid

Since we’ve initially started Cornice at Services, we had more discussion about how we could make it easier for developers to validate an incoming request.

Our goal is :

  • to be able to validate a request and if needed, to convert it to specific data structures
  • to complete the documentation of our web services in Sphinx with those validation steps

Here’s a concrete example: A PUT request used to create a user in a database should come as a JSON object in the request body, which content would be validated and turned into a Person object, then sent to a SQL backend.

The web service needs in that case to reject any malformed request with a 400, and we’d also want to document this constraint in the web service documentation.

There are some existing tools in the validation arena, like FormEncode or Colander.

FormEncode and Colander both provide data validation via schemas, and FormEncode offers HTMLform generation.

When you need to validate an incoming request in your web service, those tools can fit your needs or simply be overkill. So, we wanted to integrate a validation step in Cornice without forcing the usage of a specific validation tool.

A simple callable

What we did is added a validator option that needs to point to a callable. The callable receives the request object and has to return an HTTP error code followed by a reason in case the request does not comply.

Here’s an example, a GET /foo that will return a 402 if the X-Paid header is missing :

    from cornice import Service

    foo = Service(name='foo', path='/foo')

    def has_paid(request):
        """The request must have an X-Paid header containing a token.

        This header proves the user has paid
        if not 'X-Paid' in request.headers:
            return 402, 'You need to pay !'

    def get_value(request):
        """Returns the value.
        return 'Hello'

From there, Cornice will call has_paid prior to get_value. Cornice is also able to build the documentation of the web service, by merging the docstrings of get_value and has_paid.

Sphinx integration

We provide a Sphinx extension for documenting a Cornice based project. You can inject in your Sphinx document the web service description, via a service directive.

.. services::
   :package: demoapp

In this example, the directive looks for all Cornice definitions in the demoapp package by scanning it, and injects their documentation in the Sphinx document.

The service directive provides a few options. For instance the name option will let you inject the documentation of one specific web service.

Colander integration

I said earlier simple callables where good enough for simple validation cases. Let’s take a more complex example.

Let’s say, you have a Person schema in Colander, that defines a person’s attributes — See Colander docs for details.

And you want to provide a PUT Web Service to create a person, where the request body is the person data serialized in JSON.

Here’s the full Cornice definition

   from cornice import Service
   from cornice.schemas import save_converted, get_converted

   def check_person(request):
      """The request body must be a JSON object describing the Person"""
          person = json.loads(request)
      except ValueError:
          return 400, 'Bad Json data!'

      schema = Person()
          deserialized = schema.deserialized(person)
      except InvalidError, e:
           # the struct is invalid
           return 400, e.message

      save_converted(request, 'person', deserialized)

    service = Service(name='person', path='/person/{id}')

    def data_posted(request):
        person = get_converted(request, 'person')
        ... do the work on person ...

In this example, the validator checks that the request body is valid Json, then pass the unserialized mapping to Colander to check that it’s a valid Person record. Last, it uses the save_converted function we provide, to save the Person object into the request.

The web service then can pick it up with the get_converted function.

Next Steps

Our next steps is to build a library of useful built-in validators. Things like:

  • is the request body is JSON ?
  • do we have param X, if yes is it an integer ?
  • any reusable validator we’ll think about

The final goals here are :

  1. have our web services code written in two phases: the validation phase, and the code itself. Because they are a lot of reusable bits in that first phase.
  2. reuse as much as possible docstrings to document our web services, to avoid the doc-is-not-up-to-date-anymore plague

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